Schlagwort-Archive: Financial Services

ILR: Lawsuits Against S.& P. Sent to One Court

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ILR: Banks say new agency’s oversight is slow, costly

Legal Reform News Daily Associated Press: Bankers and financial industry leaders are criticizing the early efforts of the government’s new consumer finance watchdog, saying a slow and inefficient oversight process has slowed lending and made it more difficult for them … Weiterlesen

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ILR: Jury Still Out on Schapiro’s SEC Enforcement Legacy

Legal Reform News Daily / Wall Street Journal Corruption Currents: The final enforcement stats are in for Mary Schapiro’s tenure at the Securities and Exchange Commission, but it may be to early to make any pronouncements about her legacy. … Weiterlesen

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ILR: In Libor Ruling, a Big Win for the Banks

New York Times | 2013 Judge Naomi Reice Buchwald of Federal District Court in Manhattan, in a 161-page decision, has given the multinational banks being investigated for manipulating the London interbank offered rate, or Libor, a dose of good news … Weiterlesen

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ILR: Judge Dismisses Antitrust Claims in Libor Suits

Wall Street Journal | 2013 Banks being probed over alleged interest-rate manipulation scored a big victory in their battle against scores of private lawsuits seeking billions of dollars in potential damages. Read more:

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ILR: DOJ Got a Record $9B in Corporate Settlements in 2012

Corporate Counsel: Federal enforcers obtained a whopping $9 billion in corporate settlements in 2012—a record amount that surpassed the previous high set in 2006 by nearly $3 billion. Read more: DOJ Got a Record $9B in Corporate Settlements in 2012

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ILR: Legal Maze’s Murkiest Corners Worry Companies

Wall Street Journal: SEC Payouts for Tips, Foreign-Bribery Law, Patent Suits Top List of Concerns. Read more: Legal Maze’s Murkiest Corners Worry Companies

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ILR: Looking Ahead to Civil and Criminal Cases to Come

New York Times: It is not really of question of whether there will be a major white-collar crime that captures the public’s attention in 2013; it’s a question of when and how costly it will be. Read more: Looking Ahead … Weiterlesen

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ILR: UBS to Pay $1.5 Billion to Settle Libor Charges

Wall Street Journal | Dec 19, 2012 UBS AG became the second bank to settle accusations that it tried to rig benchmark interest rates, agreeing to pay roughly $1.5 billion in a deal with authorities in multiple countries that points … Weiterlesen

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ILR: DOJ defends deferred prosecution deal with HSBC

National Law Journal | Dec 12, 2012 A high-ranking Justice Department official on December 11 defended the government’s decision not to seek criminal charges against HSBC Holdings PLC for laundering money for drug traffickers and pariah states. Read more: DOJ … Weiterlesen

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