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Schlagwort-Archive: Most Ridiculous Lawsuits USA
Most ridiculous lawsuits USA: Former TSU law students take grade dispute to court
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Verschlagwortet mit Lawsuit, litigation, Most Ridiculous Lawsuits USA, Nietzer&Häusler, school's grading policy, Texas Southern University's Thurgood Marshall School of Law, TSU law students, US Recht, US-Anwalt
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Most ridiculous lawsuits USA: ‚Shahs of Sunset‘ Producers Settle Lawsuit With Unhappy Participant
Ryan Seacrest Productions and Bravo have settled a lawsuit brought against them by a Persian woman who took part in the filming of their upcoming reality series, Shahs of Sunset. A spokesperson for Ryan Seacrest Productions confirms to The Hollywood … Weiterlesen
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Verschlagwortet mit anwalt amerikanischen Recht, Bravo, injunction, Kathy Salem, Most Ridiculous Lawsuits USA, Nietzer&Häusler, punitive damages, Ryan Seacrest Productions, Shahs of Sunset, US-Anwalt, US-Schadensersatz, Wirtschaftskanzlei Heilbronn Franken
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Most Ridiculous Lawsuits USA: Dimmick sues couple he kidnapped
Jesse Dimmick contends in the breach of contract suit seeking $235,000 that after he entered Jared and Lindsay Rowley’s house in 2009, they reached a legally binding, oral contract that they would hide him for an unspecified amount of money. … Weiterlesen
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Verschlagwortet mit Court, Helping a criminal to hide, Lawsuit of a criminal, legal binding oral contract, Most Ridiculous Lawsuits USA, Nietzer&Häusler, punitive damages, US-Gerichtsverfahren
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Most Ridiculous Lawsuits USA: Ex-client targets Louisville firm Becker Law
With its ad campaigns advising the injured and maimed that they „better call Becker,“ Louisville’s Becker Law Office says it has represented 30,000 people over 25 years. Now it is embroiled in a legal battle with one of them. In … Weiterlesen
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Verschlagwortet mit Court, Lawsuit, Most Ridiculous Lawsuits USA, Nietzer&Häusler, personal injury, punitive damages, rechtsanwalt amerikanisches Recht, US-Zivilprozessrecht
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Most Ridiculous Lawsuits USA: Facebook can be sued over use of ads liked by friends, rules court
Facebook has landed in some legal hot water over its use of ads that snatch the names of members of the social network to promote a product or business. In a ruling issued Friday, U.S. District Judge Lucy Koh in … Weiterlesen
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Verschlagwortet mit Facebook, Most Ridiculous Lawsuits USA, Nietzer&Häusler, Protection of personal data, Safety on the Internet, US-Anwalt
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Most Ridiculous Lawsuits USA: Chunk in Skippy peanut butter causes tooth to split, suit says
A St. Clair County man claims he lost a tooth after he bit into a peanut butter sandwich containing a hard substance the size of a pencil eraser. Roger Benson filed a lawsuit Dec. 13 in St. Clair County Circuit … Weiterlesen
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Verschlagwortet mit Complaint, Lawsuit, Most Ridiculous Lawsuits USA, Nietzer&Häusler, personal injury, Suing grocer's shop, US Recht, US-Schadensersatz
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ILR: Most Ridiculous Lawsuit of 2011 Announced
Institute for Legal Reform, News Daily, Most Ridiculous Lawsuit of 2011 Announced To read more about it […] ILR Most Ridiculous Lawsuit of 2011 Announced
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Verschlagwortet mit Federal Court, Most Ridiculous Lawsuits USA, Nietzer&Häusler, Sexual Discrimination, U.S. Court, US amerikanisches Recht
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Most Ridiculous Lawsuits USA: Sony sued for not allowing customers to sue
Suss-Sussudio as Phil Collins would say Sony is being sued for forbidding PS3 customers from suing it. After all the mess with the PlayStation, Sony got so miffed with being named and shamed in class action law suits that it … Weiterlesen
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Verschlagwortet mit customer rights, Lawsuit, Most Ridiculous Lawsuits USA, Nietzer&Häusler, suing, USA Recht, Wirtschaftskanzlei Heilbronn Franken
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Most Ridiculous Lawsuits USA: Prepare for “Avatar: Lawsuit,” the sequel.
Another aspiring screewnriter is suing James Cameron, claiming the writer-director of the biggest box office grosser of all time stole his idea for the sci-fi movie, reported. Bryant Moore is seeking $1.5 billion in actual damages and another $1 … Weiterlesen
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Verschlagwortet mit Lawsuit, Most Ridiculous Lawsuits USA, Nietzer&Häusler, punitive damages, US american law, USA, Wirtschaftskanzlei Heilbronn Franken
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Xbox Live user says Microsoft owes him $500 billion
Nun, wenn Sie Lust auf etwas (rechtlich / unsinnig) Amüsantes haben, dann lesen Sie hier weiter: An Arkansas man is trying to get Microsoft to pay him $500 billion after he tried to amend his Xbox Live contract with the … Weiterlesen
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Verschlagwortet mit Deutsch Amerikanisches Recht, Most Ridiculous Lawsuits USA, US Recht, US-Gerichtsverfahren, Wirtschaftskanzlei Heilbronn Franken
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