Schlagwort-Archive: US-Gesellschaftsrecht

ILR: Indiana mother sues Pfizer in federal court in Phila. over Zoloft injuries to newborn son

Legal Reform News Daily / Pennsylvania Record An Indiana woman is suing drugmaker Pfizer in federal court in eastern Pennsylvania over allegations that her ingestion of the anti-depressant drug Zoloft during pregnancy caused her child to be born suffering from … Weiterlesen

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ILR: Class action crusader says ‚floc‘ settlement unfair

Legal Reform News Daily / West Virginia Record The founder of the Center for Class Action Fairness says a recent settlement in Marshall County that provides medical monitoring and millions of dollars in fees for attorneys appears unfair. Read more: … Weiterlesen

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Siemens Sued by Tipster Claiming Retaliation Over FCPA Allegations He Raised

Legal Reform News Daily / Wall Street Journal Corruption Currents A Taiwanese man filed a whistleblower retaliation lawsuit in Manhattan federal court on Tuesday against Siemens, arguing he was fired for raising corruption concerns to senior executives while working … Weiterlesen

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ILR: Banks say new agency’s oversight is slow, costly

Legal Reform News Daily Associated Press: Bankers and financial industry leaders are criticizing the early efforts of the government’s new consumer finance watchdog, saying a slow and inefficient oversight process has slowed lending and made it more difficult for them … Weiterlesen

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ILR: Jury Still Out on Schapiro’s SEC Enforcement Legacy

Legal Reform News Daily / Wall Street Journal Corruption Currents: The final enforcement stats are in for Mary Schapiro’s tenure at the Securities and Exchange Commission, but it may be to early to make any pronouncements about her legacy. … Weiterlesen

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ILR: ‚Judicial Arbitration‘ Is Unconstitutional, Say Newspapers

Legal Reform News Daily / Wall Street Journal Law Blog: Should the nation’s premier forum for corporate litigation have the right to arbitrate business disputes in secret? Read more:

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ILR: EDITORIAL: Never a shortage of ridiculous lawsuits in U.S. courts

Legal Reform News Daily                                                   Oklahoman: After his 12-year-old son – yes, 12 – was sued last year by a woman who got conked by the boy’s errant throw at a Little League baseball game, Bob Migliaccio of Asbury Park, N.J., … Weiterlesen

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ILR: Judge Dismisses Antitrust Claims in Libor Suits

Wall Street Journal | 2013 Banks being probed over alleged interest-rate manipulation scored a big victory in their battle against scores of private lawsuits seeking billions of dollars in potential damages. Read more:

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FCPA: Distributors under the FCPA

If there was ever a question that distributors were covered under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), in 2012, the Department of Justice (DOJ) and Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) made it emphatically clear that this class of entities in … Weiterlesen

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Most ridiculous lawsuits: Inmates sue major beer companies: The alcohol made us do it

Keith Allen Brown shot a man to death in Priest Lake five years ago, leading to a 15-year prison sentence. But the 52-year-old says his problems started long before that, when he was just a boy and tasted alcohol for … Weiterlesen

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