Archiv des Autors: NIETZER . Rechtsanwälte


Hier finden Sie die wichtigsten Gesetze des Staates Delaware zu den verschiedenen US-Gesellschaftsformen.

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Most Ridiculous Lawsuits USA: Ex-client targets Louisville firm Becker Law

With its ad campaigns advising the injured and maimed that they „better call Becker,“ Louisville’s Becker Law Office says it has represented 30,000 people over 25 years. Now it is embroiled in a legal battle with one of them. In … Weiterlesen

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United States: Confidentiality And Nondisclosure Agreements – Odd And Different Are Peculiar

At least where I am sitting, for the last month it has rained nondisclosure agreements.  On the one hand, these agreements have a certain cookie cutter repetitive quality.  On the other hand, there seems to be no end to ingenuity … Weiterlesen

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US-Governeur besucht Deutschland

Im Rahmen seiner Deutschlandreise wird Governer Tom Corbett am 22. März Stuttgart besuchen und die Kooperationskonferenz „Opportunity Pennsylvania“ eröffnen. Neben US-Governeur Tom Corbett werden deutsche Unternehmen über ihre Erfahrungen in Pennsylvania berichten. Die Veranstaltung ist kostenlos.

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FCPA: Risk Assessments under the UK Bribery Act

In the February 10, 2012 edition of the Houston Business Journal, in an article entitled “In order to solve a problem, it must first be identified”, author Harvey Mackay wrote “People don’t usually buy products and services. They buy solutions … Weiterlesen

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ILR: Will alien tort case be next Citizens United?

Institute for Legal Reform, News Daily, Will alien tort case be next Citizens United? You want to read more? […] ILR Will alien tort case be next Citizens United

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Most ridiculous lawsuits USA: Judge tosses out lawsuit seeking freedom for orcas at SeaWorld

A federal judge in San Diego on Wednesday dismissed a lawsuit by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals that had sought an order forcing SeaWorld to free five orcas. U.S. District Judge Jeffrey Miller ruled that a lawsuit on behalf … Weiterlesen

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FCPA, Code of Conduct – The Cornerstone of a Compliance Program

The cornerstone of a Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) compliance program is the US Federal Sentencing Guidelines (FSG). They contain seven (7) basic compliance elements that can be tailored to fit the needs and financial realities of any given organization. … Weiterlesen

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ILR: BP Trial Delayed by Settlement Talks

Institute for Legal Reform, News Daily Read more: ILR BP Trial Delayed by Settlement Talks

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FCPA: McNulty’s Maxims, the Deepwater Horizon and FCPA Internal Controls

I often write about what I call Paul McNulty’s three maxims of a Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) compliance program: 1) What did you do to prevent it? 2) What did you do to detect it? 3) What did you … Weiterlesen

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