Archiv der Kategorie: Compliance USA

Consumer Class Action Settlements: 2010-2013 Settlements Increasing, With a Focus on Privacy

Consumer class actions — cases where plaintiffs purchased a product or service from a defendant and allege some kind of fraud, product defect, or other information failure — have become ubiquitous. Actions are filed against defendants each week, with dozens … Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein, Compliance, Compliance USA | Verschlagwortet mit , , , , , , , , | Schreib einen Kommentar

Code of Conduct, Compliance Policies and Procedures-Part III

Today, I continue with Part III of my four-part series on the best practices surrounding your Code of Conduct and anti-corruption policies and procedures. In this post, I take a look at drafting policies and procedures. I conclude with some … Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein, Best Practices, Compliance, Compliance and Ethics, Compliance USA, Culture, Department of Justice, Ethical Leadership, FCPA, Policies and Procedures | Verschlagwortet mit , , , , , | Schreib einen Kommentar

United States: Don’t Try This At Home Or Abroad: Export Controls And Sanctions Violations Lead To $21 Million In Penalties For Dutch Company Fokker Services B.V.

We frequently discuss enforcement actions in this blog, because understanding enforcement is a key aspect of trade compliance.  From a fifty-thousand foot view, each enforcement case serves as a cautionary tale about the overall need for compliance. 

Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein, Compliance, Compliance USA, Sanction Law | Verschlagwortet mit , , , , , , , | Schreib einen Kommentar

Code of Conduct, Compliance Policies and Procedures-Part II

This week, I am reviewing the importance of a Code of Conduct and anti-corruption compliance policies and procedures in your compliance program and how you should go about drafting or updating Code of Conduct and anti-corruption compliance policies and procedures.

Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein, Code of Conduct, Compliance, Compliance and Ethics, Compliance USA, FCPA, OCEG | Verschlagwortet mit , , , , , | Ein Kommentar

Code of Conduct, Compliance Policies and Procedures-Part I

For the remainder of this week, I will have a four-part episode on your Code of Conduct and anti-corruption compliance policies and procedures. In today’s post I will review the underlying legal and statutory basis for the documents as a … Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein, Compliance, Compliance and Ethics, Compliance USA, Department of Justice, FCPA Guidance | Verschlagwortet mit , , , , , , , , | Schreib einen Kommentar

Mergers and Acquisitions Under the FCPA, Part III

Today I conclude my three-part series on mergers and acquisitions under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) with a review of the post-acquisition phase.

Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein, Compliance, Compliance USA, Department of Justice, Due Diligence, FCPA, M&A | Verschlagwortet mit , , , , , , , , , | Ein Kommentar

Mergers and Acquisitions Under the FCPA, Part II

Yesterday I began a three part series on mergers and acquisitions under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA). In Part I, I reviewed what you should accomplish in the pre-acquisition stage. Today I want to look at what you should … Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein, Compliance, Compliance and Ethics, Compliance USA, Due Diligence, FCPA, M&A | Verschlagwortet mit , , , , , , , , | Schreib einen Kommentar

Mergers and Acquisitions Under the FCPA, Part I

Today, I begin a three-part series on mergers and acquisitions under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. Today I will review the pre-acquisition phase, focusing the information and issues you should review, tomorrow in Part II, I will look at how … Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein, Compliance, Compliance USA, M&A | Verschlagwortet mit , , , , , , | Schreib einen Kommentar

Mid-Year FCPA Report, Part II

Today, I continue my look at what I think were some of the most significant highlights from the first half of 2014 relating to the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA). Yesterday, the focus was on corporate and individual enforcement. Today … Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein, Compliance, Compliance USA, Due Diligence | Verschlagwortet mit , , , , , , | Schreib einen Kommentar

Common Sense in the Definition of ‘Instrumentality’ Under the FCPA

In what can only be called a judicial decision based on common sense the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals, in an opinion released on May 16, upheld the convictions of Joel Esquenazi and Carlos Rodriguez for violations of the Foreign … Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein, Compliance, Compliance USA | Verschlagwortet mit , , , , , , | Schreib einen Kommentar