Archiv der Kategorie: Klage


On March 6, 2012, the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit reversed the District Court’s ruling that discovery could not be “for use” in the German tribunal because it was unlikely to be admitted in the foreign … Weiterlesen

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Most Ridiculous Lawsuit: Long-necked beer bottle maker not liable for barroom assault

A Texas appeals court has affirmed the dismissal of a lawsuit seeking to hold Anheuser-Busch liable for an assault suffered by a bar patron. The suit alleged that the long-neck design of the bottle made it too attractive for assailants … Weiterlesen

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Most ridiculous Lawsuits: Former inmate alleges Kardashians, rapper Kanye West conspired with terrorists

CHARLESTON, W.Va. — Reality television star Kim Kardashian and controversial rapper Kanye West recently participated in a secret al-Qaida training camp somewhere in West Virginia, according to a lawsuit filed by „the world’s most litigious man.“

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Most Ridiculous Lawsuit: Lawsuit Claims Hairy Man Contest On Cruise Led To Burned Feet For Florida Man

Your average Carnival cruise offers plenty of entertainment options. You can stuff yourself full of deli meats and warmed-over pasta at the buffet. You can swim in a chlorinated pool in the middle of an ocean. You can pretend to … Weiterlesen

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Most Ridiculours Lawsuits: Botched Facebook IPO Spawns Botched Lawsuit With Wrong Plaintiff

The lawyers at Johnson & Weaver were lightning-quick to accuse Facebook and its underwriters of a multitude of errors after the social-networking giant’s botched initial public offering on May 18. Only there was a problem, a big one: The law firm … Weiterlesen

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King County, Wash. v. IKB Deutsche Industriebank AG

On May 4, 2012, a United States District Court in New York, held that Credit rating agencies may have a duty under New York law to give accurate ratings to subprime-mortgage-backed securities targeted for sale to to a select group … Weiterlesen

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Most Ridiculous Lawsuits: Parent of student sues Texas School for the Deaf over frequent flier rewards

A woman has sued the Texas School for the Deaf, contesting its policy of keeping airline travel perks earned when students, including her daughter, fly. The state-supported boarding school serves deaf students from across Texas and pays for airline tickets … Weiterlesen

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Viasystems, Inc. v. EBM-Papst St. Georgen GmbH & Co., KG

On July 21, 2011, the United Court of Appeal for the Eigth Circuit, did not have jurisdiction over a German corporation in the products liability suit because the corporation did not have sufficient “minimum contacts” with Missouri. Viasystems, a Missouri-based … Weiterlesen

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Most Ridicuous Lawsuits: Accountant Claims Working For This WPP Agency Is Pure Hell

An accountant formerly employed at WPP agency I-Behavior, which tracks consumer purchase data, says her job was so stressful she was hospitalized twice, and that she was forced out of her job after her doctor told her the pressure at … Weiterlesen

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Soliman v. Daimler AG

On Septemeber 30, 2011, a United States District Court in New York granted Diamler AG, Mercedes-AMG GmbH, and Mercedes-Benz USA, LLC’s, motion for summary judgment in an action brought by Plaintiff to recover for injuries incurred in an accident that … Weiterlesen

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