Schlagwort-Archive: US Recht

Most Ridiculous Lawsuits in USA: Playboy Mansion Sued for Favoring Women

The „Leather Meets Lace“ party at the Playboy Mansion has triggered a lawsuit, filed by men who allegedly had to pay for admission while „gorgeous ladies“ did not. Steve Frye is suing on behalf of all men who paid $1,000 … Weiterlesen

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Most ridiculous lawsuits USA: Former TSU law students take grade dispute to court

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ILR: Will alien tort case be next Citizens United?

Institute for Legal Reform, News Daily, Will alien tort case be next Citizens United? You want to read more? […] ILR Will alien tort case be next Citizens United

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ILR: BP Trial Delayed by Settlement Talks

Institute for Legal Reform, News Daily Read more: ILR BP Trial Delayed by Settlement Talks

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Most Ridiculous Lawsuits USA: Chunk in Skippy peanut butter causes tooth to split, suit says

 A St. Clair County man claims he lost a tooth after he bit into a peanut butter sandwich containing a hard substance the size of a pencil eraser. Roger Benson filed a lawsuit Dec. 13 in St. Clair County Circuit … Weiterlesen

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United States: Post-Morrison, State Law Rather Than Federal Supports Claims By Non-U.S. Investors For Alleged Securities Fraud

Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft LLP We have been following the law’s development since the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Morrison v. National Australia Bank (No. 08-1191). Morrison held that Section 10(b) of the Securities … Weiterlesen

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Statement of the Department of Justice’s Antitrust Division

Statement of the Department of Justice’s Antitrust Division on its Decision to close its investigations of Google Inc.’s Acquisition of Motorola Mobility Holdings Inc. and the Acquisitions of Certain Patents by Apple Inc., Microsoft Corp. and Research In Motion Ltd. … Weiterlesen

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United States: EU Trade Law Compliance: Risks For US Companies Dechert

Does your company supply customers across the Atlantic? Do you procure items from a transatlantic supplier?  Do you employ EU nationals? Do you have a branch, representative office or subsidiary based in the EU? More to read under […] United … Weiterlesen

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Understanding the Serious Crime of Stalking

The following post appears courtesy of Susan B. Carbon, Director of the Office on Violence Against Women The Office on Violence Against Women proudly joins the President in recognizing January as National Stalking Awareness Month (NSAM).  Stalking is described by … Weiterlesen

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Warum die meisten US-Firmen (Corporations) in Delaware gegründet werden.

Hier die Antworten:Delaware

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