Schlagwort-Archive: Wal-Mart

ILR: Wal-Mart Counters Bribery Allegations in India

Wall Street Journal | Dec 12, 2012 India’s opposition Bharatiya Janata Party is sticking by its allegations that Wal-Mart Stores Inc.’s routine disclosure of lobbying activities in the U.S.  is tantamount to bribery. Read more: Wal-Mart Counters Bribery Allegations in … Weiterlesen

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The High Costs of Non-Compliance!

Ed Note-we continue our series of guest posts by Mary Jones. Today, Mary explores the high cost of non-compliance. On November 13, 1923 a special committee was formed to determine whether Germany would be required to pay for the substantial … Weiterlesen

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Wal-Mart Cover Up- Would a Hot-Line Have Helped?

Ed. Note-we continue our series of guest posts from our colleague Mary Shaddock Jones, who today draws some lessons from the Wal-Mart matter. On November 8, 2006 Wal-Mart entered the Canadian Market opening three supercenters in Ancaster, London and Stouffville … Weiterlesen

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ILR: Wal-Mart Spent $51 Million on Bribery Probes Through July

Legal Reform Daily News 09/2012 Wal-Mart Stores Inc. said in a regulatory filing Thursday it had incurred $51 million in expenses through the end of July related to ongoing bribery investigations. The Wall Street Journal Read more here:

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US Legal Headlines

Analysis: Wal-Mart Ruling No Knock-Out Blow for Class Actions New York Times | July 12, 2011 The end of the road for a class-action discrimination lawsuit brought by female employees of Wal-Mart Stores Inc has not spelled doom for employment … Weiterlesen

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US-Sammelklagen . Stop dem Wahnsinn

Zu Sammelklagen findet sich in der Printausgabe vom 25.6.2011 der FAZ ein Leitartikel im Wirtschaftsteil: “ Ausgebremste Massenklagen, Von Corinna Budras: Denken die Chefs deutscher Unternehmen an das amerikanische Rechtssystem, packt sie meist das kalte Grauen. Grund dafür ist ein … Weiterlesen

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Wal-Mart Decision Will Increase Number, Cost of Class-Action Lawsuits

National Journal | June 24, 2011:  A Supreme Court ruling on Monday that 1.5 million women cannot join together in a class-action lawsuit accusing Wal-Mart of sex discrimination has the potential to raise the scope and cost of litigation across … Weiterlesen

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Frauen scheitern mit US-Milliardenklage gegen Wal-Mart

Dem Wahnsinn wurde Einhalt geboten, die Entscheidung des US.Supreme Courts (bei welchem Herr Prof.Nietzer und Herr Römer als auch US-Anwälte zugelassen sind) ist zu begrüßen und schafft Rechtssicherheit auch für deutsche Unternehmen in den USA. Hier die Original-Entscheidung: Entscheidung Außerdem … Weiterlesen

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