Schlagwort-Archive: Wirtschaftskanzlei Heilbronn Franken

Most Ridiculous Lawsuits: Lakota man sues Rapid City Regional Hospital over surgical scars

Vern Traversie, a member of the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe, claims in a YouTube video that he discovered three scars on his stomach shaped like the letter K. Three Ks is a common abbreviation for the Ku Klux Klan. SIOUX … Weiterlesen

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Augstein v. Leslie

Plaintiff, a citizen of Germany filed an action in New York to enforce and collect on a $1 million reward offered by Defendant, rapper and resident of New York, for return of a laptop computer and hard drive that was … Weiterlesen

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HSH Nordbank AG v. UBS AG

On March 27, 2012, Germany’s HSH Nordbank AG („HSH“) was left with no hope to recover from a $500 million loss when a New York Appellate Court dismissed its last standing claim against UBS. The loss stemmed from a credit … Weiterlesen

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Cybex Reaches $19.5m Settlement in Product Liability Case

Last week, premium exercise equipment manufacturer Cybex International agreed to pay $19.5m to a Cheektowaga woman, who was injured by a piece of Cybex equipment when she improperly used a leg machine to stretch her shoulder in October 2004. The … Weiterlesen

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Warning! Delicious, Spreadable Chocolate Is Not Health Food!

Parents, be forewarned: there’s a terrible danger out there. Delicious, sweet, spreadable chocolate is available for purchase in your supermarkets, but it’s NOT healthy for your kids! Who would have thought?!? But ignorance is bliss — very bliss — and in … Weiterlesen

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Penn State, the Freeh Report and Implications for the FCPA Compliance Practitioner

The Freeh Report was released last week. It detailed a series of actions and inactions taken by officials at Penn State University (Penn State) which allowed Jerry Sandusky to continue his abuse of young boys from at least 1998 up … Weiterlesen

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FCPA: Amendment to the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act – Another Perspective

Proposals for and against amending the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, the US Federal law against government bribery in international business, have been percolating for the past 18 months. US Chamber of Commerce took a lead role, sponsoring a paper titled “Restoring Balance” … Weiterlesen

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FCPA: This is not a compliance failure. It’s an ethical failure

In the movie “Margin Call” the character played by Jeremy Irons says that there are three ways to lead in business: (1) Be the smartest; (2) Be there first; (3) Cheat. I thought about this trichotomy when reading several articles … Weiterlesen

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FCPA: Integrating Your Compliance Risk: Where the Rubber Meets the Road

In listening to companies discuss compliance in the areas of anti-corruption under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), anti-money laundering (AML) or export control, one of the things that has consistently struck me is how siloed each of these groups … Weiterlesen

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Zuständigkeit U.S.-amerikanischer Gerichte bei internationalen Rechtsstreitigkeiten, Klageabwehr

Deutsche Unternehmen stehen der U.S.-amerikanischen Zivilgerichtsbarkeit oftmals skeptisch gegenüber. Viele verbinden mit Prozessen in den USA Verfahrensweisen, die dem deutschen Zivilprozessrecht „fremd“ sind – wie z.B. zulässige Ausforschungsbeweisanträge („Fishing expeditions“), medienträchtige Sammelklagen („Class Actions“) oder Geschworenengerichte („Jury Trials“) – und … Weiterlesen

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