Archiv der Kategorie: Klage

ILR: Indiana mother sues Pfizer in federal court in Phila. over Zoloft injuries to newborn son

Legal Reform News Daily / Pennsylvania Record An Indiana woman is suing drugmaker Pfizer in federal court in eastern Pennsylvania over allegations that her ingestion of the anti-depressant drug Zoloft during pregnancy caused her child to be born suffering from … Weiterlesen

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ILR: EDITORIAL: Never a shortage of ridiculous lawsuits in U.S. courts

Legal Reform News Daily                                                   Oklahoman: After his 12-year-old son – yes, 12 – was sued last year by a woman who got conked by the boy’s errant throw at a Little League baseball game, Bob Migliaccio of Asbury Park, N.J., … Weiterlesen

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ILR: EDITORIAL: Worst 2012 lawsuits argue for 2013 reforms

Washington Examiner: Did you hear the one about the repeat drunken driver in Florida who killed a family in an accident, then sued them for pain and suffering? Or the one about the parents who sued their son’s school after … Weiterlesen

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Most ridiculous lawsuits: How to eat free at Bob Evans

“At Bob Evans, we treat strangers like friends and friends like family.” That’s the company philosophy of Bob Evans restaurants. The chain prides itself on its “ability to treat guests and employees how they deserve to be treated.”

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Most ridiculous lawsuits: Attorney drops lawsuit over Thunder tickets

Oklahoma City attorney Doug Friesen has dropped a lawsuit over Thunder tickets. He had claimed another fan backed out of an agreement to let him buy a third of her two season tickets. An Oklahoma City attorney has dropped his … Weiterlesen

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Most ridiculous lawsuits: Inmates sue major beer companies: The alcohol made us do it

Keith Allen Brown shot a man to death in Priest Lake five years ago, leading to a 15-year prison sentence. But the 52-year-old says his problems started long before that, when he was just a boy and tasted alcohol for … Weiterlesen

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Most ridiculous lawsuits: Ruling over bumper-car injury supports amusement park

The California Supreme Court says riders can’t sue over injuries stemming from the inherent nature of the attraction. ‚Those who voluntarily join in these activities also voluntarily take on their minor inherent risks,‘ the court says. SAN FRANCISCO — The … Weiterlesen

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Most ridiculous lawsuits: Ohio teacher cites fear of children in discrimination suit

An Ohio high school teacher who claims to have a phobia of young children is suing a school district for discrimination. Maria C. Waltherr-Willard, 61, of Greenhills, is suing the Mariemont school district, where she worked for 35 years, saying … Weiterlesen

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Most ridicuous lawsuits: Rikers Island inmates cost city big $$ with ‚frivolous‘ lawsuits

EXCLUSIVE These jailbirds are proving that crime does pay. Rikers Island inmates are soaking city taxpayers by suing over everything from slippery shower floors to beds they claim are too short, a Post analysis has found.

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ILR: Kentucky AG Can’t Dodge Merck’s Due Process Suit over Vioxx Contingency Counsel

Kentucky Attorney General Jack Conway can’t seem to shake Merck’s constitutional challenge to his use of contingency fee lawyers in litigation over Vioxx. U.S. District Judge Danny Reeves in Frankfort, Ky., first rejected the AG’s bid to dismiss the case … Weiterlesen

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