NIETZER®. Unternehmensrecht
- Schrems II – EU US Privacy Shield unwirksam. Datenübermittlung in die USA ohne geeignete Garantien rechtswidrig. Bußgelder und Betriebsschließungen drohen.
- Geschäftsgeheimnisgesetz – Unternehmen sollten Arbeitsverträge und Geheimhaltungsvereinbarungen überprüfen sowie geeignete Schutzmaßnahmen treffen.
- BGH folgt EuGH (Planet49): Voreingestelltes Ankreuzkästchen (Opt-Out) stellt keine rechtmäßige Einwilligung für den Einsatz von Werbe- und Tracking Cookies dar
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14.06.2013 – U.S. Department of Justice Daily Digest Bulletin.
Das Neueste aus dem Fall U.S. v. Apple, Inc., et al. in welchem auch die VERLAGSGRUPPE GEORG VON HOLTZBRINCK Beklagter ist; es geht um das Preissystem im E-Book Bereich: Proposed Judgement
ILR: Why I Can’t Claim My $10 From Facebook In The ‚Sponsored Stories‘ Settlement
Legal Reform News Daily | Forbes
I was among the approximately 125,000,000 Facebook users who got an email this weekend alerting us to the settlement of a class action lawsuit against the social networking giant for putting our names and faces in „Sponsored Story“ ads that were broadcast to our friends.
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Verschlagwortet mit class action, Facebook, Institute for Legal Reform, Lawsuit Abuse Impact, Legal Ethics, Nietzer&Häusler, US-Gesellschaftsrecht
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FCPA: Kroll and Compliance Week Survey Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption
Not many people realize that the US has elected one president who served as a prisoner of war. That man was Andrew Jackson, who was captured by the British during the Revolutionary War. Now, can you name the American President who killed another man in a duel? If you guessed Andrew Jackson you are right and if you knew that today is the anniversary you receive extra credit and can proceed directly to Final Jeopardy. Weiterlesen
Veröffentlicht unter Compliance USA
Verschlagwortet mit Anti-Bribery, Anti-Corruption, Best Practices, Compliance Week, due diligence, Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, Nietzer&Häusler, Third Parties, US-Gesellschaftsrecht
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Produkthaftung USA
Seminar 19.September 2013 / NIETZER & HÄUSLER und Management Circle / Stuttgart. Trotz langjähriger wirtschaftlicher Verflechtungen mit den USA bestehen in der Praxis immer noch unklare Vorstellungen über das amerikanische Rechts- und Haftungssystem. Immer wieder machen Millionen klagen von sich reden und in vielen Köpfen hat sich der US-Markt als ein „Pulverfass für Haftungsklagen” verankert. Tatsächlich steigen die Gewährleistungskosten allgemein und besonders in den USA stetig. Weiterlesen
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Verschlagwortet mit Abwehr US Klagen, Gewährleistung, Management Circle, Manuals, Produkthaftung USA, US Recht, Warnhinweis
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ILR: Indiana mother sues Pfizer in federal court in Phila. over Zoloft injuries to newborn son
Legal Reform News Daily / Pennsylvania Record
An Indiana woman is suing drugmaker Pfizer in federal court in eastern Pennsylvania over allegations that her ingestion of the anti-depressant drug Zoloft during pregnancy caused her child to be born suffering from birth defects.
Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein, Klage
Verschlagwortet mit Federal Court, Lawsuit, Medical Liability, Nietzer&Häusler, Pennsylvania Record, US District Court, US-Gesellschaftsrecht
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ILR: Class action crusader says ‚floc‘ settlement unfair
Legal Reform News Daily / West Virginia Record
The founder of the Center for Class Action Fairness says a recent settlement in Marshall County that provides medical monitoring and millions of dollars in fees for attorneys appears unfair.
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Verschlagwortet mit class action, Influence, Lawsuit Abuse Impact, Legal Ethics, Nietzer&Häusler, Trial Layers, US-Gesellschaftsrecht, West Virginia
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FCPA: What is Your Compliance Strategy?
Do you have a strategy? The Houston Astros claim to have a strategy that involves being the worst team in baseball for up to the next five years and then magically they will become a winner. I suppose that having the worst record in baseball demonstrates that they are on the right path. Another three game series, another three game sweep by the visiting team, thus ending three games of some of the most pathetic baseball I have ever seen. Weiterlesen
Veröffentlicht unter Compliance USA
Verschlagwortet mit Best Practises, Compliance programs, Department of Justice, FCPA, Nietzer&Häusler, US corporate law
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Siemens Sued by Tipster Claiming Retaliation Over FCPA Allegations He Raised
Legal Reform News Daily / Wall Street Journal Corruption Currents
A Taiwanese man filed a whistleblower retaliation lawsuit in Manhattan federal court on Tuesday against Siemens, arguing he was fired for raising corruption concerns to senior executives while working as a regional compliance officer in China.
Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein, Compliance USA
Verschlagwortet mit Compliance Officer, FCPA, Justice Department, Manhatten, Nietzer&Häusler, Siemens, US-Gesellschaftsrecht
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FCPA: DPAs and NPAs – Useful Tools to Achieve Compliance
The debate on whether the use of Deferred Prosecution Agreements (DPAs) and Non-Prosecution Agreements (NPAs) has become lively again over the past couple of weeks. Last week, there was a panel hosted by the Corporate Crime Reporter conference at the National Press Club. The panel was moderated by Steven Fagell, a partner at Covington & Burling LLP, and the panelists included Denis McInerney, the Criminal Division’s Deputy Assistant Attorney General, David Uhlmann, the former chief of the Environmental Crimes Section at the Department of Justice (DOJ), and currently a Professor of Law at the University of Michigan, the FCPA Professor, Michael Koehler, Kathleen Harris, a partner at Arnold & Porter LLP in London, and Anthony Barkow, a partner at Jenner & Block in New York. Weiterlesen
Veröffentlicht unter Compliance USA
Verschlagwortet mit Compliance programs, Deferred Prosecution Agreement, Department of Justice, DPA, Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, Nietzer&Häusler, Non-Prosecution Agreements, NPA, SEC, US corporate law
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