ILR: O’Quinn silicosis clients sue

CIMG1121Point of Law | Dec 19, 2012
I was the first to report when John O’Quinn’s breast-implant clients successfully sued his firm for tens of millions of dollars of improper overbilling.  Now a group of O’Quinn’s silicosis mass-tort clients allege similar overbilling and double-billing, including thAe pass-along to clients of referral fees paid to medical testing companies; document destruction and coverup is also alleged.

Read more: O’Quinn silicosis clients sue

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DOJ: Justice Department Reaches Settlement with Penguin Group (USA) Inc. in e-Books Case

CIMG2022The Department of Justice announced today that it has reached a settlement with Penguin Group (USA) Inc.–one of the largest book publishers in the United States–and will continue to litigate against Apple Inc. and Holtzbrinck Publishers LLC, which does business as Macmillan, for conspiring to raise e-book prices to consumers.

Read more: Justice Department Reaches Settlement with Penguin Group (USA) Inc. in e-Books Case

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ILR: Ex-clients‘ complaint vs silicosis lawyers is catalog of misconduct

CIMG1751ThomsonReuters | Dec 19, 2012
In the history of mass torts litigation, the consolidated federal proceeding alleging serious lung injuries to workers who inhaled silica particles is the plaintiffs‘ bar’s Waterloo. Silicosis litigation was regarded as a potential blockbuster for plaintiffs‘ firms — even, perhaps, the long-sought successor to asbestos litigation. But then came the June 2005 decision by U.S. District Judge Janis Jack of Corpus Christi, Texas, that pretty much put an end to any such hopes.

Read more: Ex-clients‘ complaint vs silicosis lawyers is catalog of misconduct




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FCPA: Days of Future Passed: The Moody Blues and the End of Facilitation Payments?

This past weekend I caught the Moody Blues’ tour celebrating the 45th anniversary of their seminal classic album, “Days of Future Passed”. This was the second album released by the band and while I had always thought of it as the first rock concept album, it is seen by many rock critics as a precursor to progressive rock music. Bill Holdship, Yahoo! Music, said that the band “created an entire genre here.” Weiterlesen

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Most ridiculous lawsuits: Family of teen who fell from wheel well of jet sues US Airways, others

The family of a teen who fell from the wheel well of a jet in a Boston suburb two years ago is suing Charlotte, Charlotte-Douglas International Airport and US Airways.

The family of 16-year-old Delvonte Tisdale says negligence by the city, the airport and the airline caused the teen to fall from a Boeing 737 to his death. Weiterlesen

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ILR: FedEx Overcharged Customers for Years, Sealed E-Mail Says

Bloomberg | Dec 12, 2012
FedEx Corp. has been „systematically overcharging“ customers by billing businesses and government offices at higher residential rates, a company sales executive said in an internal e-mail unsealed in a lawsuit.

Read more: FedEx Overcharged Customers for Years, Sealed E-Mail Says

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Most ridiculous lawsuits: Harvey Cedars homeowners demand payment from town for spoiling ocean view

HARVEY CEDARS— Thanks to a line of recently erected two-story-high sand dunes, Harvey and Phyllis Karan’s $1.7 million oceanfront house, and the town, stood fast when Sandy stormed ashore.

Sandy is long gone, but another storm is raging in this small borough of 1,200 homes, one that could swamp taxpayers on every barrier island in the state by adding tens of millions of dollars to the cost of building dunes. Weiterlesen

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Most ridiculous lawsuits: Plaintiffs sued wrong company over cemetery fall, judge rules

PARKERSBURG – A federal judge has dismissed a personal injury lawsuit filed against a company that apparently does not own the funeral home the plaintiffs intended to sue or the cemetery they should have sued.

U.S. District Judge Joseph Goodwin on Nov. 29 dismissed the lawsuit filed by Carissa Hammonds against Peoples/Perdew, which she believed owned the Cawley & Peoples Funeral Home in Marietta, Ohio. The basis of the lawsuit, an alleged fall at a cemetery, occurred at Riverview Cemetery in Williamstown, W.Va. Weiterlesen

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ILR: Wal-Mart Counters Bribery Allegations in India

Wall Street Journal | Dec 12, 2012
India’s opposition Bharatiya Janata Party is sticking by its allegations that Wal-Mart Stores Inc.’s routine disclosure of lobbying activities in the U.S.  is tantamount to bribery.

Read more:

Wal-Mart Counters Bribery Allegations in India

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Most ridiculous lawsuits: Lawyer who slapped Paul Hastings partner loses case against firm

NEW YORK, Sept 20 (Reuters) – A lawsuit over a contentious deposition last year that ended with a Paul Hastings partner being slapped in the face by his opposing counsel has been dismissed.

Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Cynthia Kern ruled Wednesday that New York attorney Kenechukwu Okoli could not pursue slander and civil assault claims against Paul Hastings and the partner he slapped, Allan Bloom. Weiterlesen

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