Archiv des Autors: NIETZER . Rechtsanwälte

US-Recht Gerichtsnews

Toyota agrees to $25.5 million U.S. investor lawsuit settlement Reuters | Nov 14, 2012 Toyota Motor Corp agreed on Tuesday to pay $25.5 million to settle a U.S. shareholder class action lawsuit accusing the company of not disclosing safety and … Weiterlesen

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NIETZER & HÄUSLER auf der Global Connect zum Thema US Wirtschaftsrecht

Titel US Wirtschaftsrecht – Aus der Praxis für die Praxis Zeit / Raum 14.11.2012, 16:00 – 17:00 Uhr C 7.1.1 Inhalt – Ausgewählte vertragliche Besonderheiten – US Produkthaftung und Warnhinweise – US versicherungsrechtliche Implikationen Referent Herr Prof. Nietzer Veranstalter IHK … Weiterlesen

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Most ridiculous lawsuits: Fan sues Bills over 3 excess texts?

As if losing four straight Super Bowls and not having a winning record since 2004 wasn’t bad enough. One Buffalo Bills fan thinks three extra text messages is worth a lawsuit against his favorite team. Jerry Wojcik, a Bills fan … Weiterlesen

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Armistice Day: The Risks and Rewards of Foreign Joint Ventures

Ed. Note-we continue our series of guest posts from our colleague Mary Shaddock Jones, who today looks at Joint Ventures and has some pointers for avoiding pitfalls under the FCPA. In December 2010, RAE Systems Inc., a publicly-traded U.S. corporation … Weiterlesen

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Unternehmenskauf – Bedeutung von Material Adverse Change-Klauseln

Auszug aus einer NIETZERR & HÄUSLER Veröffentlichung im Newsletter der German American Chamber of Commerce. Mehr Infos unter: GACC Newsletter Vol 4, 2011

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Zuständigkeit U.S.-amerikanischer Gerichte bei internationalen Rechtsstreitigkeiten, Klageabwehr

Auszug aus einer NIETZERR & HÄUSLER Veröffentlichung im Newsletter der German American Chamber of Commerce. Mehr Infos unter: GACC Newsletter Vol. 2, 2012

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Federal Employment Law Summary

Employers need to be aware of the wide range of employment laws and regulations with which they must comply. Below is a brief summary of various federal employment laws for which employers are most frequently named in charges, complaints and … Weiterlesen

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Piercing the Corporate Veil – Durchgriffshaftung in den USA

Auszug aus einer NIETZERR & HÄUSLER Veröffentlichung im Newsletter der German American Chamber of Commerce. Mehr Infos unter: GACC Newsletter Vol. 1,2012

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How Do You Change a Corrupt Culture?

As most compliance practitioners know Siemens AG paid not only the largest Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) fine in the history of the world at $800MM but also paid the same amount to the German government, this makes for a … Weiterlesen

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US Sentencing Commission: 3rd Quarter FY12 Quarterly Sentencing Update

The United States Sentencing Commission’s Preliminary Quarterly Data Report for the third quarter of fiscal year 2012 is now available on the Commission’s website. The report includes an extensive set of tables and charts presenting fiscal year quarterly data on … Weiterlesen

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