Archiv des Autors: NIETZER . Rechtsanwälte

Zustellungsverweigerung rechtsmissbräuchlicher Klagen im Rechtshilfeverkehr Deutschland – USA

Hier der vollständige Aufsatz, abgedruckt im DAJV Newsletter 3/2012. NIETZER & HÄUSLER ist Mitglied des DAJV (Deutsch-Amerikanische Juristen-Vereinigung): DAJV Newsletter 3-12, 24.09.2012 ; im übrigen gilt: Der transatlantische Rechtsverkehr ist Teil des US-deutschen Wettbewerbs und es gelten rauhe Sitten, der … Weiterlesen

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NIETZER unterstützt KINDSSTOFF. | kindsstoff fängt mit Kindermode noch einmal ganz von vorne an. Daher ist jeder Kindsstoff ‚made with love in Germany‘, zertifiziert gemäß dem ‚Global Organic Textile Standard‘ und auch in seinem zweiten Leben rundum gut. Nur … Weiterlesen

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In den USA ist eben nicht alles im Arbeitsrecht erlaubt, der alles entscheidende Gradmesser, ob zulässig oder nicht, ist die Frage nach „Diskriminierung ja/nein“. (National Law Review September 2012) Discrimination Claims Based on Denial of Religious Clothing Is “Low Hanging … Weiterlesen

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Most Ridiculous Lawsuit: Lawsuit Claims Hairy Man Contest On Cruise Led To Burned Feet For Florida Man

Your average Carnival cruise offers plenty of entertainment options. You can stuff yourself full of deli meats and warmed-over pasta at the buffet. You can swim in a chlorinated pool in the middle of an ocean. You can pretend to … Weiterlesen

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FCPA: The Art of Strategic Compliance Plan – A Seven Step Process

I recently wrote about my colleague Stephen Martin’s thoughts on having a 1-3-5 year strategic plan for your company’s Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) or Bribery Act compliance program. I am often asked where a compliance practitioner can come up … Weiterlesen

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Most Ridiculours Lawsuits: Botched Facebook IPO Spawns Botched Lawsuit With Wrong Plaintiff

The lawyers at Johnson & Weaver were lightning-quick to accuse Facebook and its underwriters of a multitude of errors after the social-networking giant’s botched initial public offering on May 18. Only there was a problem, a big one: The law firm … Weiterlesen

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ILR: Study Says Voluntary Disclosure Doesn’t Change FCPA Penalties

Legal Reform News Daily 9/2012 Debate over whether a company should disclose a potential bribery problem to the government has been a topic of discussion for years. It always revolved around one question: Does it help a firm avoid a … Weiterlesen

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Most Ridiculous Lawsuits: (Thumbs) Up and Away – The Wisconsin Crossbow Lawsuit

A Wisconsin man went hunting last fall hoping to take out Bambi’s mom but instead his thumb became the only casualty of the outing.  Let’s talk specific. In November, Cyril Korte found himself deer hunting with a TenPoint Phantom crossbow … Weiterlesen

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King County, Wash. v. IKB Deutsche Industriebank AG

On May 4, 2012, a United States District Court in New York, held that Credit rating agencies may have a duty under New York law to give accurate ratings to subprime-mortgage-backed securities targeted for sale to to a select group … Weiterlesen

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HOUGH AND HOUSTON: U.S. needs more jobs, not more lawsuits

Legal Reform News Daily 09/2012: Politically, California and Texas are worlds apart. Despite their blue state, red state ideological differences, the residents within those states share the common goals of robust job creation and a vibrant economy. The stories of … Weiterlesen

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