ILR: Florida lawsuit climate among worst in nation

Legal Reform Daily News 09/2012

The Sunshine State’s lawsuit climate isn’t the brightest in the nation. In fact, it’s among the worst in the nation, according to a new national survey released Monday by the U.S. Chamber Institute for Legal Reform.

Orlando Business Journal

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FCPA: The Five Essential Elements of a Corporate Compliance Program – Part II

Tuesday morning, at the University Club of Chicago, Stephen Martin and I will co-present at a Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) event hosted by Kreller. If you are in or near Chicago, I hope that you can join us for this presentation. The title of our presentation is “Anti-Corruption/FCPA Developments & Best Practices” and we will focus on a concept that Stephen and his partners at the law firm of Baker & McKenzie have developed which are five essential elements of a corporate compliance program. Weiterlesen

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Most Ridiculous Lawsuit: Small business owner gains legal savvy to fight access lawsuit

Other businesses sued, some get lucky

Eric Nordby decided to fight back when he was served with an American With Disabilities Act lawsuit he believes is frivolous.

The Auburn business owner of World Pub, Hilda’s Bakery & Elite Coffees and Little Belgium Deli said… Weiterlesen

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ILR: Study blasts Louisiana lawsuit awards

Legal Reform Daily News 09/2012

BATON ROUGE — A national survey of business attorneys and leaders ranks Louisiana as having the nation’s second worst lawsuit climate in 2010.

The News

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Discrimination Claims Based on Denial of Religious Clothing Is “Low Hanging Fruit” to EEOC

National Law Review 9 / 2012: Eine Information aus dem US-Arbeitsrecht / Diskriminierungsverbot für insoweit oftmals unwissende US- Tochterunternehmen deutscher Muttergesellschaften zu beachten. Es ist eben nicht alles im Arbeitsrecht erlaubt, der Gradmesser ist und bleibt die Frage, ob die Massnahme diskriminierenden Effekt hat oder nicht. „At a recent workshop for attorneys, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission provided guidance on what employers should consider when enforcing a dress code policy on religious clothing. Weiterlesen

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U.S. Sentencing Commission Publishes FY 2011 Overview of Federal Criminal Cases

The United States Sentencing Commission’s Overview of Federal Criminal Cases, Fiscal Year 2011, presents a broad overview of federal sentencing data for fiscal year 2011. It provides a brief, easy-to-use reference on the types of criminal cases handled by federal courts and the punishments imposed on offenders convicted in those cases.

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On March 6, 2012, the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit reversed the District Court’s ruling that discovery could not be “for use” in the German tribunal because it was unlikely to be admitted in the foreign jurisdiction. Weiterlesen

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FCPA: The Five Essential Elements of a Corporate Compliance Program-Part I

Next Tuesday morning, at the University Club of Chicago, Stephen Martin and I will co-present at a Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) event hosted by Kreller. If you are in or near Chicago I hope that you can join us. The title of our presentation is “Anti-Corruption/FCPA Developments & Best Practices” and we will focus on a concept that Stephen and his partners at the law firm of Baker & McKenzie have developed which are five essential elements of a corporate compliance program. Weiterlesen

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ILR: California ranked 4th worst in business legal climate

Legal Reform News Daily 09/2012

California ranks 47th in the nation in its courts‘ „fairness and reasonableness“ regarding business lawsuits, according to a poll conducted by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s Institute for Legal Reform.

The Sacrametnto Bee

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Most Ridiculous Lawsuit: Long-necked beer bottle maker not liable for barroom assault

A Texas appeals court has affirmed the dismissal of a lawsuit seeking to hold Anheuser-Busch liable for an assault suffered by a bar patron. The suit alleged that the long-neck design of the bottle made it too attractive for assailants seeking a weapon; the court agreed with the brewer that the plaintiff had failed to make out a sufficient case to avoid summary judgment.

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