Does Your Company Still Allow Facilitation Payments?

One of the more confusing areas of the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) is in that of facilitation payments. Facilitation payments are small bribes but make no mistake about it, they are bribes. Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein, Compliance, Compliance and Ethics, Compliance USA, Department of Justice, FCPA, FCPA Guidance | Verschlagwortet mit , , , , , , | Schreib einen Kommentar

US-Reexportkontrollbestimmungen, Must Read für global agierende Firmen

Länderschwerpunkt USA: Produkte „Made in Germany“ enthalten häufig Komponenten oder Technologien amerikanischen Ursprungs. Diese können bei einem Export aus Deutschland noch immer der amerikanischen Exportkontrolle unterliegen. Die Nichtbeachtung der amerikanischen Ausfuhrbestimmungen kann u.a. zum Ausschluss vom Handel mit amerikanischen Produkten führen, außerdem ist mit empfindlichen Strafen und/oder einem Eintrag in die („Schwarzen Listen“) der U.S.- Regierung zu rechnen. Es genügt daher keinesfalls nur deutsches bzw. EU- Ausfuhrrecht zu beachten!   Merkblatt_US_Reexportkontrollbestimmungen-data

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Termination of a Third Party or Breaking Up Should Not Be Hard To Do

One of treats each month for the compliance professional is reading the GRC Illustrated column by Carole Switzer, President of the Open Compliance and Ethics Group (OCEG), in the Compliance Week magazine. Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein, Best Practices, Compliance, Compliance and Ethics, Compliance USA, FCPA, OCEG, Third parties | Verschlagwortet mit , , , , , | Schreib einen Kommentar

U.S. Department of Justice Bulletin August 1, 2014 – Preisabsprache in den USA – Gefängnisstrafe!

dept of justiceG.S. Electech Inc. Executive Pleads Guilty to Bid Rigging and Price Fixing on Automobile Parts Installed in U.S. Cars

An executive of Japanese auto parts maker G.S. Electech Inc. pleaded guilty and was sentenced today to serve 13 months in a U.S. prison for his role in an international conspiracy to rig bids and fix prices on auto parts used on antilock brake systems installed in U.S. cars, the Department of Justice announced.


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USA und unerlaubte Werbung per Telefon / sms

Auch in den USA ist mit Unerlaubter Werbung nicht zu spassen – insbesondere wNUH_GlobusUSAenn auch noch eine Sammelklage drohen kann.

Hooters, the nationwide sports bar and restaurant chain, became the latest high-priofile company to be hit with a class action lawsuit under the Telephone Consumer Protection Act. The suit, filed in California federal court, alleges the company sent the plaintiff two unsolicited text messages-one on Father’s Day and another advertising an Ultimate Fighting Championship match-despite the fact that the plaintiff claims „he has never eaten at Hooters or otherwise consented to be contacted by the chain.“ Weiterlesen

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United States: Timing May Be Everything In Breach Of Warranty Claims

IMG_1430In the wake of the recent recalls and warranty campaigns, suppliers should bear in mind the threshold statute of limitations defense that they may have to any attempts by the OEMs to recover against them for costs for issues that the OEMs may have known about for years, but failed to act upon. Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein, Compliance, Compliance USA, Warranty Campaigns, Warranty Claims | Verschlagwortet mit , , , , , , , , , | Schreib einen Kommentar

Code of Conduct, Compliance Policies and Procedures-Part IV

IMG_1419This is the fourth and final installment of my series on the the importance of a Code of Conduct and anti-corruption compliance policies and procedures in your compliance program and how you should go about drafting or updating Code of Conduct and anti-corruption compliance policies and procedures. Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein, Best Practices, Code of Conduct, Compliance, Compliance and Ethics, Compliance USA, Department of Justice, FCPA, FCPA Guidance, Policies and Procedures | Verschlagwortet mit , , , , , , , , , , , , | Schreib einen Kommentar

Consumer Class Action Settlements: 2010-2013 Settlements Increasing, With a Focus on Privacy

Spring 4Consumer class actions — cases where plaintiffs purchased a product or service from a defendant and allege some kind of fraud, product defect, or other information failure — have become ubiquitous. Actions are filed against defendants each week, with dozens of cases settling each year. Weiterlesen

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Code of Conduct, Compliance Policies and Procedures-Part III

Today, I continue with Part III of my four-part series on the best practices surrounding your Code of Conduct and anti-corruption policies and procedures. In this post, I take a look at drafting policies and procedures. I conclude with some thoughts by well-known policy pundit Michael Rasmussen on management of policies going forward. Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein, Best Practices, Compliance, Compliance and Ethics, Compliance USA, Culture, Department of Justice, Ethical Leadership, FCPA, Policies and Procedures | Verschlagwortet mit , , , , , | Schreib einen Kommentar

United States: Don’t Try This At Home Or Abroad: Export Controls And Sanctions Violations Lead To $21 Million In Penalties For Dutch Company Fokker Services B.V.

IMG_0959We frequently discuss enforcement actions in this blog, because understanding enforcement is a key aspect of trade compliance.  From a fifty-thousand foot view, each enforcement case serves as a cautionary tale about the overall need for compliance.  Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein, Compliance, Compliance USA, Sanction Law | Verschlagwortet mit , , , , , , , | Schreib einen Kommentar