Schlagwort-Archive: amerikanisches Unternehmensrecht

FBI Expands Right to Use Anti-Piracy Warning Seal

Die Nutzung dieses Siegels alleine kann schon eine abschreckende Wirkung haben, es steht  der Gebrauch frei. Mehr zum Warum und Wie hier. In 2003, the FBI created its Anti-Piracy Warning Seal Program to assist in deterring illegal copying and distribution … Weiterlesen

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German Subsidiary of TRW Automotive Agrees to Plead Guilty to Price Fixing on Automobile Parts Installed in U.S. Cars

01.08.2012: Company Agrees to Pay $5.1 Million Criminal Fine.  WASHINGTON — TRW Deutschland Holding GmbH, a Koblenz, Germany-based subsidiary of U.S.-based TRW Automotive Holdings Corp., has agreed to plead guilty for its involvement in a conspiracy to fix prices of … Weiterlesen

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The New York Family Office

  – Newsletter: 2. Quartal 2012:Newsletter  

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FCPA: This is not a compliance failure. It’s an ethical failure

In the movie “Margin Call” the character played by Jeremy Irons says that there are three ways to lead in business: (1) Be the smartest; (2) Be there first; (3) Cheat. I thought about this trichotomy when reading several articles … Weiterlesen

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Zuständigkeit U.S.-amerikanischer Gerichte bei internationalen Rechtsstreitigkeiten, Klageabwehr

Deutsche Unternehmen stehen der U.S.-amerikanischen Zivilgerichtsbarkeit oftmals skeptisch gegenüber. Viele verbinden mit Prozessen in den USA Verfahrensweisen, die dem deutschen Zivilprozessrecht „fremd“ sind – wie z.B. zulässige Ausforschungsbeweisanträge („Fishing expeditions“), medienträchtige Sammelklagen („Class Actions“) oder Geschworenengerichte („Jury Trials“) – und … Weiterlesen

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Nachfolgehaftung im Falle eines Assetkaufvertrages

Zwei lesenswerte Entscheidungen zur Frage der Nachfolgehaftung im Falle eines Assetkaufvertrages. Evans v. Sterling Chemicals (5th Cir. 10/13/11) (successor Liability/Amendment of ERISA Plan through Asset Purchase Agreement in bankruptcy); Hier die Entscheidung: In the United States Court of Appeals for … Weiterlesen

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Most ridiculous lawsuits USA: Michigan woman files $5 million lawsuit against Starbucks, Kraft Foods

GRAND RAPIDS – An Okemos woman has filed a $5 million federal lawsuit because Starbucks’ special coffee portions are no longer available for her single-serving coffee brewing system. Paula Montgomery, who is seeking class-action status for her lawsuit, bought a … Weiterlesen

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US Sentencing Commission: Final FY11 Quarterly Sentencing Update

The United States Sentencing Commission’s Final Quarterly Data Report for fiscal year 2011 is now available on the Commission’s website. The report includes an extensive set of tables and charts presenting fiscal year quarterly data on cases in which the offender was sentenced … Weiterlesen

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FCPA: The BizJet DPA: Cooperation is the Key

Last week, the Department of Justice (DOJ) announced the resolution of an enforcement action under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) involving the Tulsa based company, BizJet. The company is in the business of providing aircraft maintenance, repair and overhaul … Weiterlesen

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FCPA: Creating Sustainable (Compliance) Performance

Compliance practitioners are continually tasked with moving a company’s culture of compliance forward. However, the day-to-day work is sometimes too granular to see results. In an article in the January-February issue of the Harvard Business Review, entitled “Creating Sustainable Performance”, … Weiterlesen

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