Schlagwort-Archive: punitive damages

U.S. Department of Justice und General Motors

Mehr Infos hier, eine Klagewelle und Strafschadensersatz drohen: Handelsblatt: Plötzlicher Blackout bei Tempo 130. GM hat zehn Jahre gebraucht und Menschenleben riskiert, bevor defekte Zündschlösser zahlreicher Autos ausgetauscht wurden. Für die neue GM-Chefin Mary Barra ein Desaster. Jetzt wird sie … Weiterlesen

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Unzulässige Vertragsklauseln in US-Verträgen

Aufgepasst; völliger Haftungsausschluss bei Vertragsbruch auch in den USA nicht zulässig; hier sogar mit enormem Strafschadensersatz belegt (dieser wird eventuell in zweiter Instanz reduziert): Sixth Circuit Affirms $33M Jury Verdict in Breach of Contract Case (Whitesell Corp. v. Whirlpool Corp.)

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Warning! Delicious, Spreadable Chocolate Is Not Health Food!

Parents, be forewarned: there’s a terrible danger out there. Delicious, sweet, spreadable chocolate is available for purchase in your supermarkets, but it’s NOT healthy for your kids! Who would have thought?!? But ignorance is bliss — very bliss — and in … Weiterlesen

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FCPA: To Give or Not To Give and If So How, Under the FCPA

To give or not to give? That is certainly a question but it may also include the question of the value of the gift. Under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) and UK Bribery Act gifts and entertainment continue to … Weiterlesen

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Most ridiculous Lawsuits USA: Man’s ban from future museum site unconstitutional

A local man wants a judge to void the Aspen Art Museum’s ban that prevents him from stepping foot on property owned by the institution. Lee Mulcahy filed a lawsuit against Heidi Zuckerman Jacobson, the museum’s director and curator, in … Weiterlesen

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Most ridiculous lawsuits USA: ‚Shahs of Sunset‘ Producers Settle Lawsuit With Unhappy Participant

Ryan Seacrest Productions and Bravo have settled a lawsuit brought against them by a Persian woman who took part in the filming of their upcoming reality series, Shahs of Sunset. A spokesperson for Ryan Seacrest Productions confirms to The Hollywood … Weiterlesen

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Most Ridiculous Lawsuits USA: Dimmick sues couple he kidnapped

Jesse Dimmick contends in the breach of contract suit seeking $235,000 that after he entered Jared and Lindsay Rowley’s house in 2009, they reached a legally binding, oral contract that they would hide him for an unspecified amount of money. … Weiterlesen

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Most ridiculous lawsuits USA: Staten Island mom hits city with $900 trillion suit

Fausat Ogunbayo, 46, recently sued the city and its Administration for Children’s Services (ACS) in Brooklyn federal court, claiming the defendants had violated both her civil rights and her children’s by removing the boys from their home here in June … Weiterlesen

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ILR Daily News: Citigroup to pay $158.3M in mortgage settlement

Institute of Legal Reform, Daily News, to read more […] ILR Daily News Citigroup to pay $158.3M in mortgage settlement

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Most Ridiculous Lawsuits USA: Ex-client targets Louisville firm Becker Law

With its ad campaigns advising the injured and maimed that they „better call Becker,“ Louisville’s Becker Law Office says it has represented 30,000 people over 25 years. Now it is embroiled in a legal battle with one of them. In … Weiterlesen

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