Archiv der Kategorie: Allgemein

ILR: Judge Rebukes 2 Lawyers Profiting From U.S. Disability Law

New York Times | 2013 The lawyers drafted the lawsuits by the dozens, claiming that local businesses had violated federal law by not providing access to people with disabilities – and generating thousands of dollars per case in legal fees … Weiterlesen

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ILR: Class Action Plan Could Make UK Europe’s Antitrust Hotspot

Legal Reform News Daily | Law 360 The British government vowed Tuesday to push for a new class action system for antitrust litigation, a move attorneys say could make the U.K. the center for private cartel damages cases across Europe. … Weiterlesen

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NIETZER & HÄUSLER in ZDF Neo – Patent Trolls

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14.06.2013 – U.S. Department of Justice Daily Digest Bulletin. Das Neueste aus dem Fall U.S. v. Apple, Inc., et al.  in welchem auch die VERLAGSGRUPPE GEORG VON HOLTZBRINCK Beklagter ist; es geht um das Preissystem im E-Book Bereich: Proposed Judgement

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ILR: Why I Can’t Claim My $10 From Facebook In The ‚Sponsored Stories‘ Settlement

Legal Reform News Daily | Forbes I was among the approximately 125,000,000 Facebook users who got an email this weekend alerting us to the settlement of a class action lawsuit against the social networking giant for putting our names and … Weiterlesen

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FCPA: Kroll and Compliance Week Survey Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption

Not many people realize that the US has elected one president who served as a prisoner of war. That man was Andrew Jackson, who was captured by the British during the Revolutionary War. Now, can you name the American President … Weiterlesen

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Produkthaftung USA

Seminar 19.September 2013 / NIETZER & HÄUSLER und Management Circle / Stuttgart. Trotz langjähriger wirtschaftlicher Verflechtungen mit den USA bestehen in der Praxis immer noch unklare Vorstellungen über das amerikanische Rechts- und Haftungssystem. Immer wieder machen Millionen klagen von sich … Weiterlesen

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ILR: Indiana mother sues Pfizer in federal court in Phila. over Zoloft injuries to newborn son

Legal Reform News Daily / Pennsylvania Record An Indiana woman is suing drugmaker Pfizer in federal court in eastern Pennsylvania over allegations that her ingestion of the anti-depressant drug Zoloft during pregnancy caused her child to be born suffering from … Weiterlesen

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ILR: Class action crusader says ‚floc‘ settlement unfair

Legal Reform News Daily / West Virginia Record The founder of the Center for Class Action Fairness says a recent settlement in Marshall County that provides medical monitoring and millions of dollars in fees for attorneys appears unfair. Read more: … Weiterlesen

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FCPA: What is Your Compliance Strategy?

Do you have a strategy? The Houston Astros claim to have a strategy that involves being the worst team in baseball for up to the next five years and then magically they will become a winner. I suppose that having … Weiterlesen

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