Schlagwort-Archive: Deutsch-Amerikanischer Wirtschaftsanwalt

Beitreibung von Forderungen in den USA – A long way to go

Legal & Tax Newsletter Vol.3-2013 der German American Chamber of Commerce: Deutsche Unternehmen, die Waren in die USA exportieren, stehen nicht selten vor der Frage, wie sie gegebenenfalls ihre Forderungen gegen säumige Schuldner in den USA beitreiben können. Vielfach wird … Weiterlesen

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ILR: Study blasts Louisiana lawsuit awards

Legal Reform Daily News 09/2012 BATON ROUGE — A national survey of business attorneys and leaders ranks Louisiana as having the nation’s second worst lawsuit climate in 2010. The News Read more here:

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ILR: California ranked 4th worst in business legal climate

Legal Reform News Daily 09/2012 California ranks 47th in the nation in its courts‘ „fairness and reasonableness“ regarding business lawsuits, according to a poll conducted by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s Institute for Legal Reform. The Sacrametnto Bee Read more … Weiterlesen

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Most Ridiculous Lawsuit: Lawsuit Claims Hairy Man Contest On Cruise Led To Burned Feet For Florida Man

Your average Carnival cruise offers plenty of entertainment options. You can stuff yourself full of deli meats and warmed-over pasta at the buffet. You can swim in a chlorinated pool in the middle of an ocean. You can pretend to … Weiterlesen

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Most Ridiculours Lawsuits: Botched Facebook IPO Spawns Botched Lawsuit With Wrong Plaintiff

The lawyers at Johnson & Weaver were lightning-quick to accuse Facebook and its underwriters of a multitude of errors after the social-networking giant’s botched initial public offering on May 18. Only there was a problem, a big one: The law firm … Weiterlesen

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FCPA: The Dog Bite Defense and Your FCPA Compliance Program

As most readers of this blog know, I am a recovering trial lawyer. I almost always acted as defense counsel for corporations in my trial lawyer career. In the trial lawyer world, there are four recognized defenses to any claim … Weiterlesen

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HSH Nordbank AG v. UBS AG

On March 27, 2012, Germany’s HSH Nordbank AG („HSH“) was left with no hope to recover from a $500 million loss when a New York Appellate Court dismissed its last standing claim against UBS. The loss stemmed from a credit … Weiterlesen

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FCPA: Amendment to the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act – Another Perspective

Proposals for and against amending the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, the US Federal law against government bribery in international business, have been percolating for the past 18 months. US Chamber of Commerce took a lead role, sponsoring a paper titled “Restoring Balance” … Weiterlesen

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FCPA: Neither snow, nor rain, nor heat…Communicating Your Compliance Story

The Persian Royal Road was built to facilitate rapid communication throughout the Persian Empire. Mounted couriers could travel across the Empire, approximately 1,677 miles; in seven days, the equivalent journey on foot took ninety days. The Greek historian Herodotus wrote … Weiterlesen

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FCPA: London Calling: The Olympics and Corporate Hospitality under the UK Bribery Act

As The Clash sang, London Calling, and the London Olympics are now less than 100 days away. One of the areas which has generated the greatest amount of hyperbole is over corporate hospitality at the upcoming 2012 summer Games. There … Weiterlesen

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