Schlagwort-Archive: Deutsch Amerikanisches Recht

Most Ridiculous Lawsuits: Chesapeake jail workers face lawsuit tied to death

CHESAPEAKE The day after 19-year-old Musa Jassey left the Chesapeake jail, he died. Cardiac arrhythmia, according to his death certificate.

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Most Ridiculous Lawsuits: Resident files $1.7B claim with City Hall

DOWNTOWN — What is the value of human health? Denise Barton has a number: $1.7 billion, plus another $1.7 million every month thereafter. Barton, known amongst City Council regulars for her detailed reports during public comment periods, filed a claim … Weiterlesen

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ILR: UPDATED: W.Va. lawsuit climate ranked last again

Legal Reform Daily News 09/2012 CHARLESTON — For the fifth consecutive year, West Virginia’s lawsuit climate has been ranked worst in the nation. The new survey was released Monday by the U.S. Chamber Institute for Legal Reform and conducted by … Weiterlesen

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ILR: Group Puts Pennsylvania and Philadelphia Near Bottom of Business-Friendly Locales

Legal Reform Daily News 09/2012 PHILADELPHIA (CBS) — A business advocacy group says Pennsylvania and Philadelphia in particular have a legal system that’s unfair to businesses. CBS Local Audio Roadshow Read more here:

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Most Ridiculous Lawsuit: Small business owner gains legal savvy to fight access lawsuit

Other businesses sued, some get lucky Eric Nordby decided to fight back when he was served with an American With Disabilities Act lawsuit he believes is frivolous. The Auburn business owner of World Pub, Hilda’s Bakery & Elite Coffees and … Weiterlesen

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Discrimination Claims Based on Denial of Religious Clothing Is “Low Hanging Fruit” to EEOC

National Law Review 9 / 2012: Eine Information aus dem US-Arbeitsrecht / Diskriminierungsverbot für insoweit oftmals unwissende US- Tochterunternehmen deutscher Muttergesellschaften zu beachten. Es ist eben nicht alles im Arbeitsrecht erlaubt, der Gradmesser ist und bleibt die Frage, ob die … Weiterlesen

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U.S. Sentencing Commission Publishes FY 2011 Overview of Federal Criminal Cases

The United States Sentencing Commission’s Overview of Federal Criminal Cases, Fiscal Year 2011, presents a broad overview of federal sentencing data for fiscal year 2011. It provides a brief, easy-to-use reference on the types of criminal cases handled by federal … Weiterlesen

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California: Class Arbitration Prohibited if Not Authorized in Agreement

National Law Review 9/2012, betreff US-Arbeitsrecht und Erhebung einer  Sammelklage; Unzulässig, wenn nicht explizit in einer bestehenden Schiedsgerichtsvereinbarung aufgeführt. A California appeals court recently held that a former security officer’s wage-and-hour class action suit must be submitted to arbitration on … Weiterlesen

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In den USA ist eben nicht alles im Arbeitsrecht erlaubt, der alles entscheidende Gradmesser, ob zulässig oder nicht, ist die Frage nach „Diskriminierung ja/nein“. (National Law Review September 2012) Discrimination Claims Based on Denial of Religious Clothing Is “Low Hanging … Weiterlesen

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ILR: Study Says Voluntary Disclosure Doesn’t Change FCPA Penalties

Legal Reform News Daily 9/2012 Debate over whether a company should disclose a potential bribery problem to the government has been a topic of discussion for years. It always revolved around one question: Does it help a firm avoid a … Weiterlesen

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