Schlagwort-Archive: US Recht

ILR: EDITORIAL: Worst 2012 lawsuits argue for 2013 reforms

Washington Examiner: Did you hear the one about the repeat drunken driver in Florida who killed a family in an accident, then sued them for pain and suffering? Or the one about the parents who sued their son’s school after … Weiterlesen

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ILR: Legal Maze’s Murkiest Corners Worry Companies

Wall Street Journal: SEC Payouts for Tips, Foreign-Bribery Law, Patent Suits Top List of Concerns. Read more: Legal Maze’s Murkiest Corners Worry Companies

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ILR: Looking Ahead to Civil and Criminal Cases to Come

New York Times: It is not really of question of whether there will be a major white-collar crime that captures the public’s attention in 2013; it’s a question of when and how costly it will be. Read more: Looking Ahead … Weiterlesen

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ILR: Governor weighs in on tort reform

Associated Press: Gov. Phil Bryant says scrapping Mississippi’s tort reform laws would hinder economic development and cost the state the jobs that it brings. He makes the argument in new court papers that ask a federal court to uphold the … Weiterlesen

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ILR: Latham Guides Eli Lilly to $29.4 Million FCPA Settlement

American Lawyer: Pharmaceutical giant Eli Lilly and Co. agreed Thursday to pay $29.4 million to settle charges by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission that it violated the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act by making improper payments to officials in Russia, … Weiterlesen

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ILR: Judge Blasts IBM, SEC Bribery Settlement

Wall Street Journal: A federal judge castigated the Securities and Exchange Commission and International Business Machines Corp. on Thursday, warning he wouldn’t „rubber stamp“ their pending $10 million settlement over violations of an antibribery law. Read more: Judge Blasts IBM, … Weiterlesen

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FCPA: Top Ten Enforcement Actions for 2012

As we welcome in 2013, it is appropriate to reflect back on some of the things which have occurred over 2012 and in the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) enforcement world, it was quite a significant year. The Department of … Weiterlesen

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ILR: NY Appellate Court Dismisses Short-Sellers‘ Porsche Suit, Closes off Possible Morrison Escape Route

D & O Diary | January 2, 2013: In a decision that could foreclose a possible way for claimants to try  to circumvent the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in the Morrison v. National Australia Bank case, a New York appellate … Weiterlesen

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Most ridiculous lawsuits: Plaintiffs sued wrong company over cemetery fall, judge rules

PARKERSBURG – A federal judge has dismissed a personal injury lawsuit filed against a company that apparently does not own the funeral home the plaintiffs intended to sue or the cemetery they should have sued. U.S. District Judge Joseph Goodwin … Weiterlesen

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The High Costs of Non-Compliance!

Ed Note-we continue our series of guest posts by Mary Jones. Today, Mary explores the high cost of non-compliance. On November 13, 1923 a special committee was formed to determine whether Germany would be required to pay for the substantial … Weiterlesen

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